Dementia profile updates

Data relating to people with dementia, such as prevalence and diagnostics, risk factors, use of hospital services and mortality


Applies to England



Dementia profile



January 2024 update

New redesigned interactive factsheets are available showing the disparities that exist across England in relation to the diagnosis of people with dementia and the care they receive, including:

  • a national factsheet with data presented for England and 7 NHS regional geographies
  • 42 sub national factsheets with data presented for areas covered by integrated care boards (ICBs) in England

About the dementia profile

The dementia profile is designed to improve the availability and accessibility of information on dementia. The data is presented in an interactive tool that allows users to view and analyse it in a user-friendly format.

The profile is structured around the NHS England well pathway for dementia with indicators arranged into 6 data domains:

  • prevalence
  • preventing well
  • diagnosing well
  • living well
  • supporting well
  • dying well

Indicators in the dementia profile are shown at clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), strategic transformation partnerships (STPs), integrated care boards (ICBs) and local authority geographies. This data gives local commissioners and providers the information needed to benchmark current practice against other areas in England and the England level.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
