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Legacy of recent England successes to be felt in clubs and schools across the country

Government to commit to supporting grassroots facilities that nurture our future football stars, and recognising the people who make that happen Girls and boys across the country to get more access to football to ensure legacy of UEFA EURO 2024 performance Review of curriculum to protect time for PE and…
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Gate Burton Energy Park development consent decision announced

The Gate Burton Energy Park application has been granted development consent by the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Gate Burton Energy Park The scheme comprises the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) generating panels and on-site energy storage facilities and grid connection infrastructure. The Scheme would allow…
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Mallard Pass Solar Project development consent decision announced

The Mallard Pass Solar Project application has been granted development consent by the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Mallard Pass Solar Farm The project proposes a Solar photovoltaic array and electrical storage and connection infrastructure, with a generation capacity of greater than 50 MW.   The…
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Sunnica Energy Farm development consent decision announced

The Sunnica Energy Farm application has been granted development consent by the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Sunnica Energy Farm The project proposes the installation of solar photovoltaic generating panels and electrical battery storage technology on Sunnica East and Sunnica West, and associated infrastructure for connection…
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King’s Speech puts growth at the heart of legislative agenda

The Government will use its mandate for change to put economic growth at the heart of its legislative agenda as it prepares for The King’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament on Wednesday 17 July New laws will prioritise growth, the Government’s overarching mission for the year…