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What is PSN?

The Public Sector Network (PSN) is largest free platform for Public Sector News, Data and Information in the UK.

Map and Directory

PSN covers every Public Sector and Service organisation with detailed contact, demographic and structural data accessible our unique directory and mapping system. Used by thousands of Public Sector workers for reference, communication and collaberative working.

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PSN providers a platform for Public Sector suppliers to showcase their services and a resource for Commissioners and Buyers to find service providers and invite them to tender for work or contact directly to request a quote or order.

Article Hub

PSN allows members to Publish articles and content and provide exposure to all users. Our editorial team add daily content and have produced over 7000 Articles covering the latest News, Best Practice, Thought Leadership, Reports and Research.

Event Calendar

PSN features a Live Calendar of forthcoming Conferences, Seminars, Webinars and Shows. Registered members can Add, Publish and Manage Events they are running or involved with for free

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Registered Public Service Employees

If you work for a Public Service organisation that is covered on PSN, you can sign up to the network and become a registered member for free.


Number of Organisations Covered

Every Public Sector Body is covered on PSN. From Parish Councils to Government Departments, plus those providng Public Services like Care Homes and Housing Associations.


Number of Suppliers

PSN Suppliers are featured in our supplier directory and receive weekly alerts for the latest tender requirements as well as unlimited event postings.


Number of Articles

Articles are contributed by our own Editorial Team and by our registered Public Sector members.

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Dame Diana Johnson speech on tackling anti-social behaviour

The Crime and Policing Minister spoke at the Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour Conference on 22 October 2024   Good morning, it is a real privilege to be speaking at this event and to be amongst a group so incredibly passionate about addressing anti-social behaviour at a national and local level. …
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Government commits to addressing housebuilding recommendations

The UK Government has today published its response to the Competition and Market’s Authority’s (CMA) housebuilding study The government has today published its response to the Competition and Market’s Authority’s (CMA) housebuilding study. This includes bringing forward a new consumer code for housebuilders and a New…
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Strategic plan for long-term energy infrastructure

Strategic spatial plan to provide a blueprint for Great Britain’s energy infrastructure Strategic spatial plan commissioned for energy infrastructure new plan to provide a blueprint for Great Britain’s energy infrastructure out to 2050, providing stability for investors more strategic approach will help cut grid connection waiting times, reducing…
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UK government response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s market study into housebuilding

This is the response by the UK government to the recommendations from the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) study into housebuilding     Applies to England, Scotland and Wales Documents UK government response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) market study into housebuilding HTML Details The…
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New plans for quicker, quieter and cleaner flights on the horizon

Have your say on proposals to establish a UK Airspace Design Service biggest shake up to airspace design in 70 years could see quicker, quieter, cleaner flights   consultation launched on how to deliver plans to cut flight delays, reduce carbon emissions and deliver growth delivers on manifesto commitment to…